CSV Data Importer Templates
- The Excel files must be saved in a CSV (comma delimited) format prior to importing.
- Excel will save as comma separators if your regional format is “English (United States)”.
- Refer to the VERA CSV Importer User Guide for instructions on using the user interface.
Steps to change regional format
- Open Regional Format settings and select “English (United States)” from the dropdown list prior to saving the import file as a CSV. Remember to revert it back to your local location when finished.
- Alternatively, you can open the saved CSV file in a text editor (e.g. Notepad) and use the Replace function to substitute commas for semi-colons and save the file again.
Notes to format and Import Data via CSV Importer
- For Requirement traceability, you must use the Req ID. if Req already exists in ALM otherwise use the complete ReqPath and Name from excel sheet.
- For Test coverage, you must use the Test ID.
- For Releases and Cycles you must use the Release and Cycle IDs.
- Multiple entries must be separated by comma and line break (Alt + Enter) as shown in template.
- When finished delete all unneeded rows.
- Save the file using the file type “CSV (comma delimited) (.csv)”. Click “Yes” on the loss of features warning dialog box.
To Download the template, Right click on Download link and select “Save Target As”. Save the template on local machine by changing the file extension to .xlsx
VERA CSV Importer User Guide
Use the Gore Templates below.
Do not use the standard templates in the Tx3 CSV import User Guide.
CSV Data Importer Template for Requirements
Download Template for Requirements
CSV Data Importer Template for Tests
Download Template for Tests